UPDATE: With a few respondents, all negative, I am going to go ahead and remove Tech5. I do still encourage techeads to subscribe to Dvorak’s podcast, it is a good quick daily update. This is the question I am asking in the most recent poll. Please cast your vote in […]
I am not sure how many of you noticed but at the top of the page you can click on “Polls Archive” to see what the poll results were. Most of the polls are still open but you have to go to the specific blog entry to be able to […]
I was reading this story from the Seattle Times (HT to Andy Crouch who is quoted in the story; and Eugene Cho) and it ends with this quote: Braun, the seminary student, said he’s not totally committed to any candidate yet. “I just keep thinking, if Jesus were alive now, […]
The results of the last poll are in: Is Geza Vermes the “greatest Jesus scholar of his generation”? No. He is an excellent scholar, but there are so many other outstanding scholars in the field it would be too much to declare him “the greatest.” (100%, 25 Votes) Yes, how […]
The results are in and Hillary Clinton won OH in a big way and TX by not so much. Earlier in the week Rush Limbaugh’s calls for Republicans to cross party lines, TX and OH are open primaries, and to vote for HRC made big news. He appeared on the […]
The poll is still running (just look to the left of this page), but I wanted to let folks know that the Bible is creeping up as the central item in my intentionally limited selection in the poll. What is central to Christianity? * Belief in the substance of the […]
Well, we have over 250 votes on this poll! My blog has never been so popular…and now I know why. “Project Chanology” has linked to the poll. Their goals: Project Chanology is a large scale plan to bring down the Church of Scientology in its present form. On January 16, […]
Note that I have intentionally allowed only one answer per vote. If you have to chose just one answer to that question, of the four options, which would it be? (And if you don’t like any of the answers feel free to add your own in the comments section.) [poll=8]
Michael Barber of Singing in the Reign has revealed the answers to his “Guess the Author” contest. He then goes on to sum up nicely some of my thoughts regarding the so-called Jesus Quest. (Which always makes me think of Don Quixote for some reason.) As I continue to research, […]