I will be headed to Boston on Friday for SBL but this week I am in Louisville KY for the National 4-H Poultry & Egg Conference. Yup, chickens! I am going to be the speaker for the Poultry Career Opportunities Workshop. Why me? Well certainly not because of my work […]
It is not that the so-called bailout is good, but where are the options? So far those opposing this action have not offered any reasonable plan to cope with this situation. Roll call vote.
UPDATE: With a few respondents, all negative, I am going to go ahead and remove Tech5. I do still encourage techeads to subscribe to Dvorak’s podcast, it is a good quick daily update. This is the question I am asking in the most recent poll. Please cast your vote in […]
I came across this comic today via another web comic. I am just beginning to read it so I have no idea how good it is, but I thought this particular one was interesting and amusing. Dresden Codak by Aaron Diaz http://dresdencodak.com/cartoons/dc_019.htm
The Big Lebowski bowling on the Wii We were playing Wii Sports today, bowling to be specific. If you bowled on the Wii and lost control of your ball you know that when the ball goes skittling back into the folks behind you the camera moves and they all jump […]
This Calvin & Hobbes series is one of my favorites. Mostly because I did once have my pants rip during recess on a day when I was wearing little cars underpants. But the punchline to this story is appropriate given a conversation earlier today regarding the discernment process.
UPDATE:The link changed at some point in the last year. (Which means that all the images I had used are now broken. Oh well.) Here is the link. Last week I mentioned a site that had free pictures for your use, today I stumbled across a great site with woodcuts […]