I mean, c’mon, I am geek and all, but is this really necessary? August 8, 2007 Government Grant to Preserve Virtual Worlds The Library of Congress announced last week that it had awarded a two-year $590,000 grant to several institutions to help preserve online games and virtual worlds. The project, […]
Monthly Archives: August 2007
Some of you may know that for the last six years I have been the online editor for the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies. This site is now located at http://targum.info and we are now taking the newsletter to an online only format. As part of the change we […]
Engadget has a blow by blow liveblog of the Apple announcements. So far it is (very pretty) new iMacs and all new iLife suite with a new .Mac hook to iPhoto (which is thoroughly revised) and iMovie. There could be more. The Apple Store is still down, so you can’t […]
I agree, a touch screen iMac would not make much sense (for a kiosk yes, but not a desktop) however I do like the look of the iMac case in this demo ad. Still, an aluminum Cinema Display style iMac would look nice too. Me, I am still wanting an […]
But the demands are infinite. Merlin Mann, of 43Folders.com fame and MacBreak Weekly fame, gave a Google Tech Talk. I have just started it, but early on (at 6 minutes and 47 seconds) says the above and: Where you put your time and attention says a lot about who you […]
The wedding that is. It was a gorgeous affair, simply stunning. This was my “baby” brother-in-law (10 years my junior, I have known him since he was 13) and his beautiful bride. I was honored to be the officiant and it was just wonderful. The fireworks that the groom arranged […]
So here is the funny thing about the comic above. On Saturday (two days from this comic going online) my brother-in-law Kenny is getting married!
The most recent BIBLICAL STUDIES CARNIVAL XX is up and excellent at Dr. Mariottini’s blog. (Sorry for not noting it earlier!) Dr. Mariottini also provides this reminder for the next BSC: Biblical Studies Carnival XXI Biblical Studies Carnival XXI will be hosted by Duane Smith at Abnormal Interests. Duane’s selection […]
Kevin Wilson of BlueCord.org has contact a few of us and is calling for more contributors to a book project on Blogging the Bible. Although I am down for “Blogging for Scholarly Writing” (i.e., will it help one get tenure?) I am also intriqued with idea that blogging has, in […]
If you are worried about the Cylons or just the little green men from Mars, you would do well to arm yourself now! “Lockwasher” at Flickr is ready to supply you with all the “intergalactic self-defense mechanisms” (rayguns) that you might need.