From Paul Flesher, our IOTS President:
The Fifth Congress of the International Organization for Targumic Studies
(IOTS) is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, 12-13 July 2007, in Ljubljana,
Slovenia. It will be held in conjunction with the XIXth Congress of the
International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) in
Leiden during 15-20th July 2007. As with past meetings, registration and
accommodations will be arranged through the IOSOT, whose website is located
at: are pleased to announce a call for short papers in the following
1. Language, Dating and Inter-relationships among the targumim;
translational theory and the targumim.
2. Exegesis; Relationships with other rabbinic and contemporary literature
(halakhic, aggadic, patristic, historical etc.).
3. Theology, Eschatology and Sitz im Leben of the targums.
4. Text-criticism, manuscript history, and stemmatology.Papers should be of twenty-minutes length, allowing ten additional minutes
for discussion. The deadline for paper proposals is 15 January 2007, and 15
March 2007 for the submission of written abstracts. Please respond to:Dr. Paul V.M. Flesher
Religious Studies Program
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071-3353
USAPhone: (1) 307-766-2616
Fax: (1) 307-766-3189