So, ELI is over now. I will be heading to the ATL airport shortly and then home! I have missed some snow but my weather widget tells me there will be more later in the week. It was a very good conference. I learned a good amount about educational technology, […]
Tracy Mitrano, Director of IT Policy and Computer Policy and Law Program, Cornell University Anita Rho, Student, Cornell University Abstract Facebook represents a growing number of applications that provide communication, connection, and community building among users, so please bring your laptop to this session for an introduction to this cool […]
Carl F. Berger, Professor and Dean Emeritus, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Abstract Research on students and faculty and differences in the use of technology in teaching and learning at the University of Michigan show how a new millennial instructor is emerging, sometimes resembling the millennium student, and sometimes the traditional […]
Martha Burtis, Acting Director, Division of T & L Technologies, University of Mary Washington Steven A. Greenlaw, Professor of Economics, University of Mary Washington Gerald Slezak, Instructional Technology Specialist, University of Mary Washington Session convener: W. Gardner Campbell, Professor of English, University of Mary Washington Abstract This presentation explores the […]
Michael Burke, Technologies Integration Specialist, The University of Tennessee Susannah Finley, Visual Design Specialist, The University of Tennessee Joan Thomas, Manager, Visual Design Development, The University of Tennessee Abstract The University of Tennessee’s “Podsquad” will demonstrate one path to a successful academic podcasting initiative, including the process of faculty development […]
First-Generation Ubiquitous Computing: Social, Mobile, and Gamelike Bryan Alexander, Director for Research, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) [In Middlebury College] After three hours my battery is starting to go so these notes may be short… Anecdotes: Encouraged us to view La Jetee, I have not seen it […]
From the site: The Third Annual Robert C. Heterick, Jr., Lecture Since 2003, the NetDay ( Speak Up annual online survey has collected authentic, unfiltered feedback from K•12 students about their use of technology for learning and entertainment. Learn about students’ expectations for technology use and their aspirations for a […]
Today through Wednesday I am in Atlanta at the Educause Learning Initiative conference. Main conference site here here. They will be blogging and podcasting many of the sessions so those interested should trot on over to (NB it is not live yet, since the sessions haven’t started!). The sessions […]