I am reading some science fiction for distraction, The Fall of Hyperion, recommended by my friend Rick. This is the second in trilogy and, as seems so often the case now, the themes are far more relevant to my immediate life than I expected. One character, a Jewish Philosopher named Sol, is mourning his daughter and quotes a portion of Yeats’s A Prayer for My Daughter.
“All Sol wanted, he realized now, was the same possibility once again to worry about those future years which every parent fears and dreads.” 1Excerpt From: Simmons, Dan. “The Fall of Hyperion.” Bantam Books, 2011-02-02. iBooks.
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He is right. We miss, we yearn for even the things we once feared and dreaded.

- 1Excerpt From: Simmons, Dan. “The Fall of Hyperion.” Bantam Books, 2011-02-02. iBooks.
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