The Program Book for the International SBL meeting has been posted. I am in the Judaica section. No, we are not discussing mezuzot and menorot. This section is dealing with ancient Jewish interpretation of Mikra. It looks like I will have to get up early and be on time!
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Room: D1.18A – OMHP
Theme: Hellenistic, Historical, and Late Midrashic Interpretation
Rivka Ulmer, Bucknell University, Presiding
Christian Brady, Pennsylvania State University
The Transformation of Ruth (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Lennart Lehmhaus, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Tradition, transformation and innovation – literary strategies of late Midrash (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Lena Einhorn, none
Josephus and the New Testament: A Different Look at the Sources (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Break (30 min)
Olga Zaprometova, St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute
The Concept of Light of the Torah in Late Antiquity: Toward a Polyphonic Horizon (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Sladjana Mirkovic, University of South Florida
Searching Identity in Hellenistic Religious and Cultural Pluralism (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Business Meeting (25 min)