The Rev. Dr. Jim just reminded me that I am on deck for this month’s Biblical Studies Carnival. Help! I readily admit that right now I am swamped and I have not been keeping up with the blogs. Even if I had, my reading habits are different and narrower than others, so please let me know what you have enjoyed or been irritated by this month. Post it in the comments or directly email it to me.
19 thoughts on “Call for Links – Biblical Studies Carnival July 2011”
Well there has been something like the old action: BBB had a long discussion on Translation kicked off by a guest post from John Hobbins; Kurk Gayle has had a series on Proverbs to raise the obvious translation to the well-maybe status. A bunch of these posts are linked here (hey I even mentioned you! and by the way I had feedback on your Targum Ruth – the Bible study folks loved it.)
and here
and I noted a few links here
I am as usual over my head – but I am still swimming.
Excellent! Thanks. Keep ’em coming!
sorry I posted that twice – there was a fivefold error message the first time
Interesting article on Reception History by Roland Boer at Bible &Interpretation(http://www.bibleinterp.com/opeds/boe358008.shtml). Responses:
Chris Heard (http://drchris.me/higgaion/?p=1960)
John Hobbins (http://ancienthebrewpoetry.typepad.com/ancient_hebrew_poetry/2011/06/christopher-heard-corrects-roland-boer.html)
Roland Boer (http://stalinsmoustache.wordpress.com/2011/06/18/the-straw-men-come-out-to-play-or-wtf-is-reception-history/)
Judy Redman on preparing material for publication (http://judyredman.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/preparing-material-for-review-and-publication/) and reviewers comments (http://judyredman.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/dealing-with-reviewers-comments/)
I have been writing a number of posts looking at the provenance of the gospel of Mark (http://ntmark.wordpress.com/category/provenance/)
Sorry if I am spamming you but it doesn’t seem to be letting me publish my comment with all the links. So I was just going to let you know Roland Boer has an interesting article at Bible and Interpretation Against “Reception History” with responses from Chris Heard, John Hobbins and Boer himself. I have been working on the provenance of Mark over at my blog and Judy Redman has a few new posts on preparing material for publication & dealing with reviewers comments.
Sorry about that Mike! I have pulled your previous comment back. Not sure what I can do to tweak the comments settings, but I am grateful for your contribution.
Here’s one from Joel Goffman this morning – nice intro to textual crit.
and Ken Schenck on determinism – a question
Aauugghh Joel Hoffman
And Bob Cargill has the 2010 debate on the reliability of scripture between bart ehrman and craig evans not to mention james mcgrath on our shifting view of literalism and reality in the bible (and a disturbing lack of capital letters).
Brian D has offered a few more:
What does 70 have to do with the Greek Old Testament?
PDF Version of the NA27 Marginal Notes
With Christ “in God”?
I’ll self-promote a bit, if you don’t mind, Chris:
My book is available for pre-order with Eisenbrauns; should be available at SBL this year: http://hesedweemet.wordpress.com/2011/06/02/my-book-available-for-preorder/
and, in (another) bit of shameless (self-) promotion, I lost 71 lbs and blogged about it: http://hesedweemet.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/mission-accomplished-or-how-i-lost-71-lbs-so-far-in-7-months/
I just wrote this 34th status report on my project to translate the psalms.
I think it is interesting and it has a substantial example on translating words from the stem חול
Don’t miss this one
high quality of posts today
Thanks, Bob! I was going to shamelessly link both of those posts.
No shame, Adam! No shame!
One I just put up that I’d really like for people to see and begin to get some feedback on: http://hesedweemet.wordpress.com/2011/06/28/god-gone-wild-or-wrestling-with-disturbing-divine-behavior/
Thank you ALL.
Perhaps a bit late to the game here, but you can see a beginning of a series of posts on BibleWorks 9 here: http://bibleworks.oldinthenew.org/?p=775