Over the next few days I will be posting the audio from the presentations in the SBL session “Blogger and Online Publication.” The first includes the introduction to the session from our chair Dr. Robert Cargill and the first paper by Dr. Jim Davila.
Blogger and Online Publication
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: A702 – Marriott Marquis
Theme: The Past, Present, and Future of Blogging and Online Publication
Robert R. Cargill, University of California-Los Angeles, Presiding
Introductory Remarks
James Davila, University of St. Andrews-Scotland
What Just Happened: The rise of “biblioblogging” in the first decade of the twenty-first century (25 min)
Christian Brady, Pennsylvania State University University Park
Online Biblical Studies: Past, Present, Promise, and Peril (25 min)
Michael Barber, John Paul the Great Catholic University
Weblogs and the Academy: The Benefits and Challenges of Biblioblogging (25 min)
James McGrath, Butler University
The Blogging Revolution: New Technologies and their Impact on How we do Scholarship (25 min)
Robert R. Cargill, University of California-Los Angeles
Instruction, Research, and the Future of Online Educational Technologies (25 min)
Discussion (25 min)
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