This morning I received an email from Brill letting me know that my article “The Use of Eschatological Lists within the Targumim of the Megilloth” is now in print, Journal for the Study of Judaism, Volume 40, Numbers 4-5, 2009 , pp. 493-509(17). Well, it is available online, but will not be in actual print on paper for another 30 days. At that time I will be able to make a pdf available for download directly from this site, but in the meantime (and for 90 days from today) you may download the article directly from their server: The Use of Eschatological Lists within the Targumim of the Megilloth
Several of the Targumim of the Megilloth contain lists (songs, famines, kings, etc.) that culminate in the future Messianic age. For example, Tg. Songopens with the list of Ten Songs and Tg. Ruth opens with the list of Ten Famines. Such lists are well known from other midrashic texts and this article will consider how and why these lists are used in the Targumim of the Megilloth and will propose that these additions are not merely the result of an opportunity presented by the Hebrew text but are being used specifically to further the overarching exegetical agenda of the Targum in question.
(This is the article resulting from the paper I presented at the last IOTS.)
3 thoughts on “New Article – “The Use of Eschatological Lists within the Targumim of the Megilloth””
Awesomesauce. I look forward to reading more Brady brilliance.