This evening we are in Hilton Head Island and had a wonderful dinner at Hudson’s On the Docks. As we arrived the sun was setting and was gorgeous. Unfortunately I only had my BlackBerry for the photos, but that will give you a sense of how beautiful it was that its little camera could take such pictures.
2 thoughts on “Photo: Hilton Head Island, SC”
I have always loved cloud photographs, and that second picture is amazing. To me, it seems to say that there is a kind of order and symmetry in the world even in the midst of turbulent change.
Thanks for posting it.
Rick, I accidentally deleted your comment because I was trying to reply via my iPod Touch and my fat finger hit the wrong “button.” I use a BlackBerry because that is what has been required to work with our Exchange server and was supported by our IT staff. I got the Touch for Christmas and love it. We are upgrading our server soon and should then work with the iPhone/Touch. If all goes well then I may get an iPhone. No doubt I would like one!