Of course every day is new and every inauguration is an historic moment. But I am not going to rant about this pet peeve of mine, rather to say this is an amazing moment, no matter whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Green, or Libertarian. Obama’s inauguration signals a distinct shift in American history. For example, NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli has been doing a series on Race and Politics in Europe Today. Many times she has mentioned that while France and other countries in Europe and the EU have antidiscrimination laws, they are rarely enforced. The thrust of each story has been that since the US has elected Barak Obama we, the US (if you can believe it), is now being held up as the model for European nations. That is a good thing.
Will.I.Am created this video of his song “It’s A New Day” and I have to admit it is catchy. I think we can all agree that we pray for the safety of all today and especially the safety of President-elect Obama and his family. God bless them and God bless America.