Tomorrow is Macworld and the Apple faithful are awaiting the word from their savior. The religious comparisons are rife and long standing with Apple. The messianic comparisons inevitable developed with Steve’s Second Coming in 1997. Valleywag has a nice story explaining why Steve’s “one more thing” will not be an iPhone. But check out the awareness of religious iconography:
Check out the He-Is-Risen imagery splashed across Apple’s home page this week. Get the message? Tuesday isn’t Christmas, it’s Easter.
Oh, I get it all right…
3 thoughts on “The Apple and The Messiah”
Once again the Steve Jobs reality distortion field is taking effect
Indeed! Today is the day. What is amazing is that the distortion field is so powerful that I am actually typing on a MacBook and listening to my iPod. 🙂 Sometimes reality matches the hype. Now… any guesses on what it will be today? The “one more thing”?
Very interesting … except that now we know that it really is an iPhone after all.