The Open Scrolls Project

Peter Kirby posted this on the XTalk list. I am wondering what people think of this idea. I know that we (academics) often say how important it is to have information free and accessible, but the reality is our jobs (promotion, tenure) and the jobs of the supporting publication industries exist because of authored and controlled work. I would love to have, for myself and my students, free access to good translations and transcriptions of the Scrolls but…

What do you think?

(This will be posted in the forums as well.)

Dead Sea Scrolls Online–The Open Scrolls Project

The Open Scrolls Project aims to bring the Dead Sea Scrolls online, available for free.

Your help is needed to achieve this goal. At this stage, we are looking for:

* One or two distinguished individuals to act as directors along with Peter Kirby.
* Qualified translators of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to do transcription and translation work, which will be paid.
* Qualified web designers and developers to design the website at low or no cost to Open Scrolls, Inc.
* Input from the providers of Bible software and other publishers on how to integrate Open Scrolls with their publications and distributions.
* General advice on how to fund the translators and how to license the transcription and translation, with the aim of being open and free.

In a future stage, we will be soliciting contributions to Open Scrolls, Inc.–a nonprofit organization incorporated in Nevada. Please plan your holiday budget with this in mind. 🙂

If you have questions, etc., send them to Peter Kirby at

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