Get out your hammer and nails!
The Weekender bloggerwrites
When I was a small child growing up in a conservative Presbyterian church, we spent the evening of Halloween dressed in late medieval or Renaissance clothing at church, eating candied apples and watching grown-ups reenact the nailing of Ninety-Five Theses. It’s Reformation Day, you know?
But more importantly, on Halloween 4 years ago something even better happened:
It’s a good day at St. Jude.
For one young man, it’s a doubly good day. He is having several scans: CT, PET, gallium. He is having his blood drawn. He is meeting with his oncologist. It is very different than his first days at St. Jude six months before. At that time, the extent of his cancer was unknown and frightening. Today, he is getting the good news that his body is free of cancer.
This past spring he graduated from Tulane University and is one of the finest young men I know.
(Via The Weekender Blog.)
One thought on ““A good day” for Evan and us all”
Yup… October 31st is memorable for many…