Infinite and beautiful

My wife receives the daily meditation from the Henri Nuewen Society. She shared this morning’s with me and I thought I would pass it along. It is especially poignant, not just for our own continued grieving process, but this week we are remembering a young student who died last week, just shy of graduating with honors. Please keep the Breen family in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday March 19, 2014

The Infinite Value of Life

Some people live long lives, some die very young.  Is a long life better than a short life?  What truly counts is not the length of our lives but their quality.  Jesus was in his early thirties when he was killed.  Thérèse de Lisieux was in her twenties when she died.  Anne Frank was a teenager when she lost her life.  But their short lives continue to bear fruit long after their deaths.

A long life is a blessing when it is well lived and leads to gratitude, wisdom, and sanctity.  But some people can live truly full lives even when their years are few.   As we see so many young people die of cancer and AIDS let us do everything possible to show our friends that, though their lives may be short, they are of infinite value.



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