This podcast is of the third paper in the SBL session on blogging and online publication. This paper is by Michael Barber.
Blogger and Online Publication
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: A702 – Marriott Marquis
Theme: The Past, Present, and Future of Blogging and Online Publication
Robert R. Cargill, University of California-Los Angeles, Presiding
Introductory Remarks
James Davila, University of St. Andrews-Scotland
What Just Happened: The rise of “biblioblogging” in the first decade of the twenty-first century (25 min)
Christian Brady, Pennsylvania State University University Park
Online Biblical Studies: Past, Present, Promise, and Peril (25 min)
Michael Barber, John Paul the Great Catholic University
Weblogs and the Academy: The Benefits and Challenges of Biblioblogging (25 min)
James McGrath, Butler University
The Blogging Revolution: New Technologies and their Impact on How we do Scholarship (25 min)
Robert R. Cargill, University of California-Los Angeles
Instruction, Research, and the Future of Online Educational Technologies (25 min)
Discussion (25 min)
4 thoughts on “Podcast – Michael Barber, SBL 2010 Blogger & Online Publication”
Whoa! Thanks for putting this up! I had no idea this was even being recorded, but I had thought about the fact that it would be appropriate for the papers at the biblioblog session to be available as podcasts. Fantastic! Thanks again!