OK, he is not a liberal or a minimalist, but he certainly engages in appropriate intellectual discourse. This is the silly season for me, on the road presenting the college to prospective students and donors alike, so I do not get to read blogs or update my own very often. But there are moments like now where I am holed up in the corner of some Panera, in the corner of some town with a bit of time to my own.
My only goal in this post was to remind folks that John has one of the best biblioblogs worth reading, Ancient Hebrew Poetry. A recent post on the “absurdity of minimalism” is a great example. Just a taste:
Viewed in this light [that if we applied the same standard to any other historical epochs or figures], minimalism is quite simply absurd. It is a debunking enterprise gone viral. In controlled quantities, like chemotherapy, minimalism has its uses. At high dosage levels, it becomes lethal, and does in the patient – the goal, no doubt, of some committed minimalists.
Well phrased! Read it all.
(And the jazz on the speakers is quite good this afternoon.)