International Organization for Qumran Studies
Seventh Meeting
AUGUST 2–4, 2010
Call for Papers
The Scrolls and Biblical Traditions
For the special topic of this seventh meeting of the IOQS, we invite papers that discuss any aspect of the transmission, use, or interpretation of biblical traditions in the Scrolls from the Judean Desert.
We therefore welcome papers ranging from studies of the biblical scrolls proper, on the relationship between scrolls and the versions, or on light shed by the scrolls on issues of scripture, authoritativeness, or canon, up to the use or interpretation, explicitly or implicitly, of biblical traditions in the so-called non-biblical scrolls.
Following the tradition of former IOQS meetings, proposals can be submitted by any scholar who is working on the topic, and papers that are directly related to the topic of the meeting are eligible for publication in a corresponding volume of the STDJ series. In addition, scholars working on other topics in the field of Qumran studies are encouraged as well to submit papers on their own particular research.
The seventh meeting of the IOQS will be held from August 2–4, 2010 in conjunction with the 20th Congress of IOSOT, the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, and other specialized congresses (IOTS, IOSCS, IOMS), to be held from August 1–6, 2010 in Helsinki. All information on these congresses, registration, accommodation, etc. can be found on For the IOQS meeting click the Joint Congress Timetable at the right side of the page.
On Tuesday morning, August 3, a joint program of the IOSOT and IOQS is scheduled, including papers by Eileen Schuller, Sidnie White-Crawford, and Anneli Aejmelaeus.
If you are interested in participating and presenting a paper, please submit your proposal containing your name, name of academic institution, title of your proposed paper, and an abstract of no more than 250 words. For details on abstracts you may consult the guidelines for abstracts for the IOSOT.
Proposals should be submitted by email before February 14, 2010 to the secretary of the IOQS, Prof. Dr. Eibert Tigchelaar,
Eibert Tigchelaar
Research Professor Faculty of Theology
Editor Dead Sea Discoveries
Secretary Journal for the Study of Judaism
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Sint-Michielsstraat 6
B-3000 Leuven