This is more excitement than I really need. The situation is this, I was immersed in researching for my paper on Ezra-Nehemiah for SBL (ok, napping) when I heard all these firetrucks and sirens. Well, it is DC a big city with a lot going on in it. Then I realize I smell acrid smoke. I pay a little more attention. I look out the window. Sure enough! There are the firetrucks.
Well, no alarms in the hotel so I proceed to pack up my computer and camera and, since I had been taking the stairs for my health anyway (true!), I head down six flights. Then I meet these gentlemen headed the 10th floor. Apparently the only injury was the wifi which has since been restored.
I have better pictures from my D-SLR but I forgot to bring the card reader. I will post some tomorrow when I return home. Heh! This gives me an idea for a Halloween costume…
And in case you would like to see a few more pictures, you can find them at my flickr account.