Many thanks to Scott Bailey of Scotteriology who posted “Hermeneutics Video 9.” That is a video in his series posted on YouTube that relate to hermeneutics. #3 is just superb. As Scott notes: “Two words: exegetical fallacy.” And women, remember, when you do your laundry, do it in the love […]
Daily Archives: September 24, 2009
3 posts
Very amusing. HT to SCMProfessor. Via Discovery Blog: Atheism: Bringing the Sexy Back It would be amusing to just have a contest asking people to guess what the vertical axis on this chart is supposed to represent. The answer is, “reply rate to first-contact messages on an online dating site, […]
NB! Word to the wise! @drjimwest is NOT the real, biblioblogging Dr. Jim West! (So the man himself just told me.) Twittering, apparently. @drjimwest is now on twitter. On the way into work today I also saw a porcine pirouette in the sky. What is next for Dr. Jim? Editing a […]