Today I had the great privilege to interview our upcoming Schreyer Signature Speaker Ms. Asra Nomani. You can download the podcast through iTuneU at this link. The press release is below.
Wall Street Journal Reporter’s Abduction and Murder Subject of Lecture
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.—Journalist and author Asra Q. Nomani will speak about the 2002 abduction and murder of her colleague and friend Daniel Pearl at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, in Penn State’s Schwab Auditorium on the University Park campus.
Nomani’s lecture, “Danny Pearl: The Truth Left Behind,” is being sponsored by the Schreyer Honors College and the Schreyer Honors College Student Council. The event is free and open to the public.
Pearl’s disappearance and the U.S. government’s investigation into his death were the subject of the motion picture “A Mighty Heart.” In conjunction with Nomani’s visit to Penn State, Penn State Movie Channel 72 will be broadcasting “A Mighty Heart” during the month of March.
Nomani was one of the last people to see Pearl before he disappeared in Pakistan in January 2002. In 2007, while a professor in the practice of journalism at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies, Nomani headed The Pearl Project, an investigative journalism seminar focused on identifying Pearl’s killers and their motives for his death.
Nomani’s articles on Islamic issues have appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and Slate. She is the author of “Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam” and documented her spiritual journey in “Tantrika: Traveling the Road of Divine Love.”
For more information about Nomani’s lecture, contact the Schreyer Honors College at 863-2636.