Because God loves every one, even those creepy cat people. (Jim West, avert your eyes!)
The Life Story of Jesus,gloriously captured in cats by internationally reviled Birthday Card artist Antonio Fictitio.Crafted in the finest Armitage Shanks Urinal Grade Porcelain.
It is the greatest story ever told. A man whose life brought joy and hope to the faithful of the world. A man who preached a message of love and peace, and died for all our sins. A man whose Word lives forever in all our hearts. Now, every aspect of that miraculous life, from His lowly birth in a manger, to His agonising death nailed to a cross is whimsically captured in charming feline form, by the artist and cat enthusiast Antonio Fictitio.
Drawing his inspiration from an extremely large gas bill, he ‘purr’-fectly brings this ‘tail’ of inspiration to life and gives ‘paws’ for thought to lovers of cats, plates and Jesus alike.
This plate is not available in the shops. It is exclusive to the Dangleberry Mint and car boot sales all over Britain from mid September. (Viz Comic Issue No.85)
From “WuffWorld.” This was actually made and sold by Viz Comics. Man I would love to own this.