Mac Office 2008 SP1
It’s finally here! The MacBU has just released Service Pack 1 for Mac Office 2008. You can download the update directly from the Mactopia website (it’s large — about 180 MB), or launch your favorite Office app and select Help/Check for Updates. There are well over 1000 fixes and improvements in this release, including the return of custom error bars and axis tick manipulation in Excel charts. The full release notes are available online as well, so go check them out to see if we fixed your personal pet peeve.
Thanks Erik
My immediate favorite fix? Scrolling in the “Style” list (and others) of the pallet.
One thought on “Update for Mac Office 2008”
Any word on alignment between this and the MS Office 2007 suite? Just curious what is, and isn’t, still different. (Like our issues with PowerPoint.)