Testing twhirl # Testing twhirl posting to Pownce # @drchrisheard Oh why? Why go XP? 😉 # @leolaporte Don’t you think there are some options between "feminist or racist"? # @colecamplese Twitter. Pownce is too much trouble. But I should be posting to both with twhirl. Have you tried it? […]
Daily Archives: March 5, 2008
I have been tagged by Doug Chaplin of MetaCatholic with a meme of three. Three rules, tag three people. If this were by post it would be illegal, but here goes anyone (because I am flattered to be tagged, that’s how needy I am). Rule 1) List three reasons for […]
This time it is not a spoof. From Deanne at Merkavah Vision: A new Manga comic series, Mecha Manga Bible Heroes, is to commence in May 2008, with the promise that it “brings classic bible heroes to life in a whole new way!” The first of the Old Testament stories […]
Twitter / Brent Simmons: Just once I’d like to hear … Just once I’d like to hear someone say that they’re not spiritual but religious.
This just in! LarkNews.com ONTARIO, Calif. – Jack Chick, author of Christian tracts, made a surprise purchase of some of the world’s best-loved comic strips and is spreading the gospel in typical Chick fashion through the Sunday funnies. Garfield, Ziggy, Blondie and a dozen other strips now belong to the […]
The results are in and Hillary Clinton won OH in a big way and TX by not so much. Earlier in the week Rush Limbaugh’s calls for Republicans to cross party lines, TX and OH are open primaries, and to vote for HRC made big news. He appeared on the […]
4 In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as children— “My child, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, or lose heart when you are punished by him; […]