Free Images think pictures make things more interesting, that’s why I have been adding some of my own photos to my blog posts. Today I stumbled across a site that offers free images for use on your website. The terms are very simply. The central element:

1. You can use the images on the PacHD web site free of charge in your projects (web, multimedia, film/video, magazines, flyers, books, etc) whether it will be for personal or commercial use but you must provide a link back to from your website (the link does not have be positioned next to the image) or if used in printed media or video productions, you must credit this website as the image source.

If you do not wish to provide a link to our site or give us a credit, you can alternatively just buy us a cup of coffee (per image). You are then free to use the image without a link back or credit.

So grab a cuppa, peruse their offerings, and let’s make our websites a little more interesting!

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