I am now in Denver, the Mile High City, for a few days. It is a meeting of the NCHC, the National Collegiate Honors Council. I did not make it out here a few years ago when SBL was here, the only SBL I have missed since 1995. Boy is it flat! The signs in the airport designating the bathrooms as tornado safety zones were a bit unnerving. At least they were clean. The bathrooms that is.
Between my cold medicine and Dramamine I was essentially comatose during the flight from Philly. I knew that I was surrounded by students but it wasn’t until I noticed that my neighbor had an “honors” bracelet, you know the kind, the equivalent of those ubiquitous ribbons/stickers, but this one was touting Rutgers’ Honors College. I introduced myself and they were all very nice.
So tomorrow begins the conference. I will be here for only a day and a half (two if you count tonight). Then next week I am off to Ohio for three days, then back home, then off to Cali! I look forward to seeing many of you there!
(Warning: I brought my camera and will upload some plane shots later tonight.)
One thought on “Colorado: I thought there was going to be baseball or something”
Dude – of all the SBL’s to miss. I think the meeting in Denver is still my personal favorite. Some of the presentations were revelatory. 16th street mall. Nepalese restaurant. Mexican – real Mexican – restaurant with salsa that even I had trouble finishing and it could probably burn a hole through the table if you spilled it. Did I mention the talks were unusually exciting that year?