You may recall our conversation regarding Google Bombs (or Googlebombs) a month ago. Well, it looks like Google has had a change of heart. Or at least a few folks who work there have. They apparently got tired of some folks (not yours truly, of course) thinking that Google itself […]
Daily Archives: February 22, 2007
Jimmy Johnson, who creates Arlo and Janis also lives in the Gulf south and is a fine friend of food. I visit his site everyday where he shares the odd (sometimes very) thought and usually three comics from the past. Today’s retrospect deserves sharing: Be sure to go to his […]
My blog editor of choice (in use as I type this) has been bought by (yet) another company. The original author seems optimistic. I hope all goes well, because I love this app and would like to see some more work put into it. Red Sweater Acquires MarsEdit Blogging Software […]
I think I might have nightmares. New Zealand fishermen land massive squid – Yahoo! News WELLINGTON (Reuters) – New Zealand fishermen may have caught the largest Colossal squid ever found — weighing around 450kg (992 pounds) and with rings the size of tires.The adult Colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) was caught […]
Keeping you up to date on the iPhone name: Apple and Cisco Settle over iPhone Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple, iPhone MacNN is reporting that Apple and Cisco have reached an agreement over the use of the “iPhone” brand. As we previously mentioned, Cisco had sued Apple following the Macworld […]