I am humbled to have been invited to speak at PSU’s MLK Day Peace Service. MLK’s motif of the Jericho Road had been brought to my attention by Bishop Charles Jenkins of EDOLA and I will speak from Luke 10 and MLK’s interpretation of that passage. In reading I came across this sermon and this appropriate reminder. A “word” for the day, if you will. (This is a transcript of the sermon so the words in () are of the audience’s response.)
Oh, there will be a day, the question won’t be, “How many awards did you get in life?” Not that day. (Yeah) It won’t be, “How popular were you in your social setting?” That won’t be the question that day. (Yeah) It will not ask how many degrees you’ve been able to get. (All right) The question that day will not be concerned with whether you are a “Ph.D.” or a “no D.” (That’s right) It will not be concerned with whether you went to Morehouse or whether you went to “No House.” (Yes) The question that day will not be, “How beautiful is your house?” (That’s right) The question that day will not be, “How much money did you accumulate? How much did you have in stocks and bonds?” The question that day will not be, “What kind of automobile did you have?” On that day the question will be, “What did you do for others?” (That’s right)
Amen, amen.