Today 5 of us got together to chat about biblioblogs, SBL, and stuff. We covered blogging, teaching & tech, Hebrew Bible, U2, and tattoos (go with nun, bet, lamed).
Tyler Williams – Codex
Chrisian Brady – Targuman
Stephen Cook – Biblishe Ausbildung
Kevin Wilson – BlueCord
Tim Bulkeley – SansBlogue
Oh, and guys, can you add me to your blogrolls? 🙂
16 thoughts on “Bibliobloggers @ SBL”
Is envy still a sin? If so, I suppose I need to trot off and repent.
We missed you Jim! I don’t know if it made it on the recording, but we talked about you. (I commented that you seem taller on your blog. ;-))
Yeah I heard that! Shorter??????
I just listened to it again. I guess I forgot to edit that bit. 🙂 You really were missed Jim. I hope your alternative event was successful.
It was ok but I would much rather have been there in DC. Next year in San Diego….
I can promise you that, in spite of having to pack it on the plane, I will bring the mics! (We were able to drive and thus able to bring family on the trip as well as other toyls.)
Hey Chris,
Thanks for bringing the mics and all. It was great to do the podcast.
And BTW, you’ve been on my blogroll for a while already!
Have a happy thanksgiving.
Thanks Tyler! I know you had me on your list. I just didn’t want to single anyone out. 🙂
BTW, I am curious about the counts. You say you have 400 a day. Ii have been using Google Analytics and it says I have 30-60 but when I check my service provider it tells me I have had this week, for example, 300 unique hits per day. Do you (or anyone else) know which is more accurate?