Monthly Archives: October 2006
In preparing for this paper, I came across this 1998 article by JZ Smith (is he related, son perhaps, of Wilfred Cantwell Smith?) “Teaching the Bible in the Context of General Education” (Teaching Theology and Religion, Volume 1, Issue 2, Page 73-78, Jun 1998). It is a very interesting read, […]
Fr. John was our rector in Covington, LA and a dear friend. His elections give me great hope. From The Bishop of Louisiana: Congratulations to Fr. John Bauerschmidt, Rector of Christ Church, Covington, Louisiana upon his election today as the 11th Bishop of Tennessee. Fr. John has informed the Covention […]
This post is from a comic artist I read regularly. I agree with one of his TV pics: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (NBC) : Easily the best show on network television, hands down. And it just started, so you have the chance to get in while it’s still […]
Let me preface this by saying that I love Peanuts and respect Charles Schultz’s work immensely. It was a very sad (yet in many ways joyous) day when he passed. The Gospel According to Peanuts by Robert Short was one of the first books (the first?) to examine comics and […]
Christopher has a very good (and humorous) breakdown of the problems with the TNIV In the last week and a half I’ve been teaching from the Latter Prophets in class, so here are some prime examples. (1) Jeremiah 7:22-23 In Hebrew: כי לא־דברתי את־אבותיכם ולא צויתים ביום הוציא אותם מארץ […]
Or portions of it, I guess. It is hard to tell, but Jim West pointed this out on the XTalk list. (Actually, he has already blogged on it here and I missed it. Update your Dr. Jim West feeds everyone!)
Autumn 06 Originally uploaded by targuman2002. Folks, I cannot tell you how much we missed weather other than rain! (BTW, I am posting using Flickr and it appears that it smushes the image to a set width. I know… I could adjust it. But just click on the pic to […]