Kevin Wilson has started what looks to be a great project.
Blue Cord Bible Dictionary : Main – Home Page
The Blue Cord Bible Dictionary is a Bible wiki. A wiki is a site where numerous people are able to contribute freely to the content of the pages. Unlike standard wikis, however, the Blue Cord Bible Dictionary is a wiki written only by biblical scholars. In order to contribute to this site, scholars must hold a master’s degree or higher in the field of biblical studies or a related field such as archaeology, classics, Egyptology, or Assyriology.
The entire site is beautifully designed and looks to be full of useful information. Thanks Kevin!
(Via Blue Cord Bible Dictionary.)
Technorati Tags:
Bible, Scholarship, Ancient Near East
One thought on “Blue Cord Bible Dictionary : Main – Home Page”
Thanks for the plug!
I would love to have you as a contributor for the Bible dictionary, especially since you have a background in classics as well as Hebrew Bible. Drop me a line ( if you would like to join.