Death almost always brings with it the basic question of “why.” When it is young innocents as in the Sandy Hook attack or our son Mack, it becomes even more desperate. Even when those who are older who die for no clear moral reason we are at a loss for […]
As someone wondered if I was having a crisis of faith I was reminded of something that I have often mentioned in the class and in one or two articles, which is that expressing anger towards God is, in fact, a statement of faith. If I didn’t believe in God […]
Scenes From A Multiverse – A daily comic about life by Jon Rosenberg (a fellow Cornellian). He does bring up some good points. (Oh, and in case you don’t read the title above the comic, in which case you probably aren’t reading this either, the piratey looking fellow being interviewed is […]
John Hobbins has a great post, short but very poignant, reminding us that “believers must complain about and criticize biblical texts.” He rightly points out that it is incumbent upon the faithful to do so. I have written in several places about exactly this with respect to Lamentations. The fact […]