Today’s your birthday. Just one day.Just one day. That’s all it is. Just one day. That’s all it took. Just one day. To take you from us. Just one day. And a lifetime is gone. In just one day. Today, 16 January 2025, is Mack’s 21st birthday. Or would be, if […]
Wendell Berry, Sabbath Poems, 1982. VII The clearing rests in song and shade. It is a creature made By old light held in soil and leaf, By human joy and grief, By human work, Fidelity of sight and stroke, By rain; by water on The parent stone. We join our work to Heaven’s gift, Our hope to what is […]
Tying your dress shoes in a double knot,Like an eight-year-old. Running off the bus and flopping on the couch after school, Like an eight year old. Putting together your LEGO early in the morning (and late at night),Like an eight-year-old. Sledding down the hill at the back of your friend’s house,Like […]
Reflecting on morning readings. “Blessed are the ears that catch the breath of the whisper of God, and give no heed to the whisperings of this world—blessed ears indeed, if they are listening to the Truth teaching them in their hearts and not to voices outside them.” Thomas a Kempis, […]
What stood will stand, though all be fallen,The good return that time has stolen.Though creatures groan in misery,Their flesh prefigures libertyTo end travail and bring to birth‘Their new perfection in new earth.At word of that enliveningLet the trees of the woods all singAnd every field rejoice, let praiseRise up out […]
How long did Colin wear your shoesHow many miles walked, balls kicked, goals scoredIn your shoes?The soles came off before he gave them up. Who got your bike, new that Christmas?Did they ride it for days, up and down their streetOr hardly at allBecause it was always yours? She keeps […]
TLDR: I have posted my first poem, jump down to read it. For the last half dozen years or so, I have been reading a lot more poetry. I have also been trying to write poetry and the two are not as related as it may seem. At least not […]
Many with whom I mourned the deadAre dead, and mourn no more. BlessédAre they that mourn, for thus they haveThe fullest magnitude of loveAnd learn of it, whereby the deadOutlive their lives, and live insteadEternally in present graceWhere death, ashamed, can find no place,For love goes with them, out of […]