I came across these “Parodies of the Mac/PC commericals from Community Christian Church.” I am in doubt as to whether I agree with the theology that seems to be behind them (their closing tag is “Christian no more”) but they are clever and I certainly want to be hip like […]
TWO HOLY MEN AND . . . A CAT If, as Annie Lamott s… If, as Annie Lamott says, “laughter is carbonated holiness,” Steve Carrell is surely a holy man. (Via The Dude Abides.) The link to donate is here.
Holiday Educational Video Dept. — MATHS This says it all: Hilarious British (tele)humour at its best. (Via Dvorak Uncensored.)
Today 5 of us got together to chat about biblioblogs, SBL, and stuff. We covered blogging, teaching & tech, Hebrew Bible, U2, and tattoos (go with nun, bet, lamed). Tyler Williams – Codex http://biblical-studies.ca/blog/index.php/ Chrisian Brady – Targuman http://targuman.org/ Stephen Cook – Biblishe Ausbildung http://biblische.blogspot.com/ Kevin Wilson – BlueCord http://bluecord.org/biblioblog/ […]
Are greatly exaggerated. The caption of this photo reads Christian M.M. Brady, dead, said the $25 million gift will strengthen the mission of the Schreyer Honors College on a number of fronts. (Emphasis mine.) UPDATE: They have corrected the site (I felt obliged to tell them of the typo 😉 […]
If only so many people didn’t think this was the true meaning of the phrase: Something about racing without a helmet.
And, in case the comic should go away, Thorax in 9 Chickweed Lane, said, Sin is an act of moral turpitude with an option to renew. Not bad, eh? A note about my linking to comics. I always try to link to the comic’s home directory. I do this as […]
My wife blogged Cathleen Falsani’s recent post. Falsani has a great blog and is an excellent writer in her own right. She is the author of The God Factor. From her interview with Thomas Craughwell, author of Saints Behaving Badly: In honor of All Saints Day next week, I intend […]
This post is from a comic artist I read regularly. I agree with one of his TV pics: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (NBC) : Easily the best show on network television, hands down. And it just started, so you have the chance to get in while it’s still […]