Will I ever blog again?

Alcatraz - Fenced In

I hope to, but my schedule lately has been ridiculous. I had a great visit with Bob Cargill and next time I hope to meet up with Chris Heard as well. Bob and I talked a lot of edutech including digital textbooks and eduApps (my term) that would, for example, incorporate 3D fly throughs of Qumran such as Bob’s doctorate offers along with images, assessment tools and good old text. We also talked about blogging and we both find that the more we are writing and researching the more we blog. For me it is just another way to think out loud. Such cogitation has been on the back burner lately, but June has been set aside for my research so get ready to read a lot about Targum Ruth! (I am also thinking of offering a 1 credit course, “Creation: Genesis 1-3,” but you can already find lots of my musings on that topic here.)

In the meantime, if you really would like to know about my comings and goings don’t forget that you can follow me on twitter, facebook, and flickr. [mfn]Given the rejection of capital letters, I have longs suspected that bob cargill is responsible for the 2.0 naming conventions.[/mfn]

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