If you follow my twitter feed (and no reason you should, do you really want to know what I ate last night?) you would know that after some flight delays I landed in NOLA yesterday afternoon. Depending upon how long you have read this blog you may not know that I spend my first 9 years of employed life as a professor at Tulane University.
Yesterday I spent some time getting settled and then went out to get a wonderful meal with one of our grad students from Penn State. (Dante’s Kitchen is a great restaurant, reasonably priced and well worth a cab ride: http://danteskitchen.com/) We then walked around Tulane’s campus which is just a beautiful as ever. Today I will visit with some old friends and then the real SBL fun begins tomorrow morning. If the sessions I attend are very good the chances of tweets and posts will decline (I will be too engaged!) but if not…well, I might become the most prolific blogger in the Crescent City.
My paper will be on Monday in the Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah joint session with Exile (Forced Migrations) in Biblical Literature 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM Room: Studio 2 – M. I will be speaking about the use of Law in Ezra-Nehemiah to foster the recovery and restoration of Jerusalem (and Judaism) in comparison with the slow recovery of New Orleans and how modern clergy used Scripture to help their communities cope with loss and move forward.
Until then, if you are interested, some of my pictures from pre-post Katrina are here and from the first Mardi Gras post Hurricane Katrina are here and here.