Not sure if you all had heard the news yet or not:
Towson U. Nears Merger With Baltimore Hebrew U.
Ninety years after its founding, Baltimore Hebrew University is being absorbed by Towson University in order to survive.
The two colleges had already approved the merger, and yesterday the Maryland Higher Education Commission signed off on the deal, according to The Sun, in Baltimore. The University of Maryland’s Board of Regents could make the arrangement final on Friday.
Baltimore Hebrew was founded in 1919 to train teachers for Jewish schools and has evolved into a specialized center for studying Jewish culture, Jewish literature, and the Hebrew language. The university also trains executives for Jewish federations, community centers, and community-relations and family-service programs.
But declining enrollments and rising costs made it necessary for the university to seek a new business model. Under the merger, its programs and courses will be offered by different departments at Towson, The Sunreported. Baltimore Hebrew’s Joseph Meyerhoff Library, with some 80,000 volumes, will be housed on one floor of Towson’s Albert S. Cook Library. —Eric Kelderman
Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 | Permalink |