For those interested in the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church’s view of Lambeth you can see her live via the web today at 2pm Eastern.
Presiding Bishop to conduct post-Lambeth live webcast August 7
[Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will conduct a live webcast to talk about the Lambeth Conference on Thursday, August 7 at 2 p.m. Eastern time (1 p.m. Central, noon Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific).Originating from the Episcopal Church Center, 815 Second Ave., New York City, the webcast will be accessible through the homepage of the Episcopal Church’s website at
Questions will be accepted from the live audience and via email at Phone-in questions will not be accepted.
The 2008 Lambeth Conference concluded on Sunday, August 3.
The Lambeth Conference is a meeting of the bishops of the Anglican Communion held once every 10 years at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The 2008 Lambeth Conference drew 670 bishops from 37 of the 38 Anglican provinces; about 135 bishops of the Episcopal Church registered.
For more information about the webcast, contact Neva Rae Fox, program officer for public affairs, at