My wife’s novel The Unlikely Missionary has just been recommended by The Anglican Digest in their Transfiguration A.D. 2008 issue. The issue will be out soon, but in the meantime the review is here:
A novel set in 1990, this is the story of Episcopalian Katherine Tierney who spends a year working in a mission outpost in Burkina Faso. The story might be predictable but Brady’s descriptions of the setting, the culture, and their impact on the characters is engrossing and, for those who have similar experience in their history, evocative of fond memories. The spiritual issues with which the central character has to wrestle underscore the impact that time spent in mission can have on those who chose to invest their lives in that service. In the opinion of this editor, Unlikely Missionary is worthwhile read. — JDB ISBN: 1591136989, $15.95
And don’t forget, you can always order it for yourselves through Amazon. Needless to say, I also highly recommend it. It really is an excellent novel, a quick read, and very engaging. True, it is “chick lit” (not my term folks, so don’t get up in my grill) but if you are looking for some good summer reading that also will get you thinking, this is it!