On Tech5 today John C. Dvorak (and hosted here @ http://targuman.org/ daily) comments in passing about the rumored change from .Mac to “Mobile Me.” Details of this are at Gruber’s Daring Fireball.
Aside from the name being hideous (and it does really sound like something that would come out of Redmond, doesn’t it?) I have to say I don’t care. .Mac was dead to me when they began charging. Does anyone else remember SJ saying that our .Mac email addresses would be free, forever? When the service first came out Jobs announced that it would be free, forever. A bit like his assertion that iPods would never have video. Ah huh. OK.
Still, it could be a great product if they would integrate it better with their other apps and sync all files properly. Something they have worked towards, but never really made happen in the way that, for example, Merlin Mann has been calling for over the last year or so. Instead, TUAW is reporting that Apple will stop selling it entirely and licensed it to another company. It is possible that company, IF given the full support of Apple, could take it to that next level, but if Apple doesn’t have the resolve to do it themselves or perhaps doesn’t see enough of a market for it, then I have my doubts that it will be anything more than a slow decay into dementia and ultimately sleeping death.