- @JasonCalacanis I would be all for the MBA, as a loyal follower. 🙂 #
- @samharrelson I nearly did not finish my doctorate thanks to days, weeks lost playing Marathon. #
- @samharrelson The meet up could be right after MBW’s! 😉 #
- They may not be swallows and this isn’t Capistrano but the starlings are enmassed in our back yard this morning. #
- Now I know where Hitchcock got his idea… #
- @dtatusko Did you just turn on Twitter tools? 20 some tweets from your blog… #
- Watching F1 replay (midnight to 1am was too early/late for me). This is a CRAZY race! Sheer madness… Nearly done and still cars crashin #
- Two laps to go and Bourdais out! Poor guy! Great run in first Grand Prix. #
- Only 7 (SEVEN) cars left! Out of 22 that strated…stunning. #
- Hamilton! Won it! Let’s see if this is his year… #
- Leo is live! http://twit.tv/live #
- NetNewsWire to Del.icio.us! Nice….http://snurl.com/21whc #
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