I love the way words look on the screen as I write them. I love that I can create just by putting words together. It’s a shame its no good. # Now…home to the family, dinner, and maybe Horton? # @samharrelson Try twhirl – it has an autoshortenurl button thingy. […]
Daily Archives: March 14, 2008
From last year and, again, as Larry the Cable Guy would say, “Lord, I apologize.” I am sure this is what Zechariah meant. Really. The New ‘Answers in Genesis’ New Testament– Children’s Edition Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on the foal of a raptor. People attempt to feed […]
My sermon for Palm Sunday, Year A. The Liturgy of the Palms Matthew 21:1-11 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 The Liturgy of the Word Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14- 27:66 or Matthew 27-11-54 Psalm 31:9-16 In the unlikely event that you have just returned from a two-year expedition into the canyons […]
This is pretty lame, like those old film strips we used to get about personal hygiene in elementary school, but if you are flummoxed by Twitter, here is a little 2 minute guide. Now, let me get the film threaded… BTW if you are on Twitter, by all means feel […]
I was looking for something else when I found these pics from our visit to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, 4 months after Katrina and 7 months before our move. If you check out the Flckr account you will see a poster depicting how they recovered, including the elephants […]
My daughter (10 years old) has entered the blogging world! (*Sniff* I am so proud!) Her blog is about Club Penguin and other interests of hers such as Harry Potter and it can be found here: IsseRuth So, if you or your child is looking for tips and hints about […]