Hmmm. Good salmon. Now, back to State College. # @danoph My pleasure! # @danoph Woops sorry. Old reply. # @danoph it was re 43folders. (Using twhirl which for some reason had all @ messages cached at the bottom so I thought it was a new message.) # @danielpunkass Using MarsEdit […]
Daily Archives: March 7, 2008
Joe brings us this: Welcome to the Church of Mac! Mac genius Tony Edwards has taken his speaking enterprise and general Mac evangelism to a Stephen Colbertish place by creating the persona of a charismatic leader of the Church of Mac. I’m left trying to decide whether this is cute, […]
I have updated my page on TgLam (see the tabs above or click here). I have added subpages that include my English translation of TgLam, based primarily upon Codex Ubranates Ebr. 1 (Urb. 1). Below I have included some of my comments from my book regarding my choice of manuscripts. […]
Just trying out a WordPress plugin for putting footnotes into texts along with using MarsEdit. Woohoo! It works! For those of you verbose enough to require footnotes and using WordPress, go get this plugin! You just use double parenthesis on either side of your footnote text and BAM! there it […]
I have updated the NTCS website again. This time with the Palm formatted texts. Please be aware that the old Tulane hosted site is going away and all references and bookmarks should now point to the site. From NTCS: I have now added the targumim files for Palm devices […]
A hearty “here here!” A political rant I’ve been watching a lot of CNN the last couple of days, and I am getting very tired of the whining from Florida and Michigan. It’s ridiculous for Florida and Michigan to flout the rules of both the Democratic and Republican parties, schedule […]
Slowly but surely I am updating the NTCS website. Bibliography and “Sources and Catalogues of Targumic MSS” I apologize for the long down time, but I am slowly back to updating our new site. Today I added the “Bibliography” section and “Sources for Manuscripts of Targumic Literature in Public […]