We took the kids to select some pumpkins today. (I shouldn’t say “pick” since we did not go out to a field and pick our own off the vine. When did they stop doing that?) The farm had a table of gourds and I took the picture to the right […]
Monthly Archives: September 2007
Chris, Mark, John et al will feel vindicated with this one. Wikigroaning The Art of Wikigroaning The premise is quite simple. First, find a useful Wikipedia article that normal people might read. For example, the article called “Knight.” Then, find a somehow similar article that is longer, but at the […]
I was poking around Google Analytics which tracks stats about the blog. I noticed an odd fact. No one has visited my site in the last few weeks from either ME, WY, ND, or SD. I wonder why…
The Rev’d Canon E. Mark Stevenson, my friend and mentor who is going to do me the honor of preaching at my ordination on Oct. 20th, was present during the deliberations in New Orleans this past week. He is Canon to the Ordinary for Bishop Jenkins and is a thoughtful […]
A year ago I decided to take as a challenge to find interesting (and hopefully good!) shots in our own yard. The result is the growing photo set at Flickr called “Backyard.” (It does contain some pictures from the front yard as well.) Today we had a good bit of […]
Read the official report from Episcopal Life here. Central points: Summary We reconfirm that resolution B033 of General Convention 2006 (The Election Of Bishops) calls upon bishops with jurisdiction and Standing Committees “to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of […]
Because I have such a hard time concentrating while reading. I am ADD, not ED. Honest. Biblioblogging Big Brother (AKA “Jim West’s Ticket to Purgatory”) Commercial: Attention- do you suffer from erectile dysfunction? Do you find your performance lacking and your abilities in the art of amour wanting? Try the […]
Just a quick note to apologize for intermittent blogging and to say that I hope to be back in full swing soon. Last week really took a lot out of me, what with the Patriot Tour and then E’s trip down to New Orleans. Things are still going on with […]
I am honored to be among those competing on the new Biblioblogging Big Brother. A snippet from Episode One is below and be sure to see my sermon title (oh so apropos, on Episode Two). Welcome to the first episode of Biblioblogging Big Brother. . Each week our houseguests will […]
If you are interested in following all of this you might use this Google News link. It bring you the latest news stories with “Episcopal” and “church” in the search. This is the regular meeting of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church USA. This year they are in […]