A message from Penn State and University Scholar alumnus Peter Klein (this year’s Luchinsky Lecturer):
… When we look back on this period after 9/11, how will we judge the country’s treatment of Muslim- and Arab-Americans? We wanted to explore that question by examining specific cases, searching for parallels to WWII detentions and “Red Scare” era paranoia, and looking at how the entertainment media has portrayed Muslims in the past five years.
On Tuesday at 8 PM, Dan Rather Reports on HD Net airs the premier of “Green Scare,” which includes a discussion with Tom Ridge, a sit down with “24” executive producer Howard Gordon and a rare interview with Rachel Meeropol, the granddaughter of the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and the lead counsel on Turkmen v Ashcroft, a lawsuit on behalf of the Arab men who were rounded up in the winter of 2001. We also feature interviews with several Muslim-Americans who were wrongly detained and prosecuted, including an exclusive interview with Karim Koubriti, the first Muslim-American to be arrested on terrorism charges, just 6 days after the WTC attacks.
I hope you get a chance to watch. The program will also stream on the web on http://www.hd.net/danrather.html.