It is with great sadness that I pass along the news of the death of a colleague from PSU. The email I received says,
With great sorrow I report that Bill Petersen passed away last evening,
December 20, in Pittsburgh. His partner, Mark Biedrzycki, has announced
that plans for a memorial service are pending. Condolences may be sent to
Mark at 106 Shannon Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238.
Prof. Peteresen was Director, Religious Studies Program and Professor of Religious Studies and Classic and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at PSU.
UPDATE: The departmental site now has an announcement on this page.
From his CV
Sayings of Jesus: Canonical and Non-Canonical. Essays in Honour of Tjitze Baarda. Co-edited with J. S. Vos and H. J. de Jonge. Supplements to Novum Testamentum 89 (Leiden: Brill, 1997).
Tatian’s Diatessaron. Its Creation, Dissemination, Significance, and History in Scholarship. Sole Author. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 25 (Leiden: Brill, 1994).
Gospel Traditions in the Second Century: Origins, Recensions, Text and Transmission. Sole editor. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 3. (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989).
Origen of Alexandria, His World and His Legacy. Co-edited with Charles Kannengiesser. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 1 (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988).
The Diatessaron and Ephrem Syrus as Sources of Romanos the Melodist. Sole author. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 475 [Subsidia 74] (Louvain: Peeters, 1985).
Petersen is the author of more than a dozen refereed articles in leading journals (such as New Testament Studies, Novum Testamentum, and Vigiliae Christianae), more than twenty chapters in books published by leading presses (Oxford University Press [Oxford], E.J. Brill [Leiden], Peeters [Louvain], Éditions du Cerf [Paris], W. de Gruyter [Berlin]), and more than thirty book reviews (in journals such as Vigiliae Christianae, Biblica, the Journal of Biblical Literature, and the Journal of Early Christian Studies. He has contributed numerous articles to standard reference works, including Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG4), edd. H. D. Betz et al.; the Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE), edd. H. R. Balz et al; and the Anchor Bible Dictionary (ABD), ed. D. N. Freedman.
He has delivered more than forty invited academic papers, both at conferences and at the faculties of the University of Oxford, the Université du Genève, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam.
He is an executive editor of the journal Vigiliae Christianae (published by E. J. Brill [Leiden]) and its accompanying monograph series Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. He also serves on the editorial boards of, among others, The Journal of the Aramaic Bible, Hugoye. Journal of Syriac Studies, and is a past editorial board member of the journal New Testament Studies. He a member of the American Executive Committee of the International Greek New Testament Project.
He has been awarded research fellowships by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (Wassenaar), the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Oxford), and the Collegium of the Finnish Acadmy of Sciences and Letters (Helsinki).
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