From God or those who love him. This powerful and moving picture is from 1888 Holland. via Retronaut. Rom. 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else […]
But the best one I can think of to explain what life is like surviving, “living beyond,” the death of our son. It is a bit like being forced to wear a pair of painful, ill-fitting shoes. They hurt like hell and make you limp, wince, and cry, but you […]
A recurring theme in his teaching was that sound scholarship and religious faith are not incompatible, and he insisted in his own research and in the work of his students on applying the most rigorous standards of intellectual integrity. He also asserted that theology is not a discipline which can […]
A friend, colleague, and local pastor died yesterday. Paul Grabill was the pastor of our local AOG church and while some found him too strong in his convictions for their tastes, I found him to be humble, generous, and yes, firmly convicted of the Gospel and its Truth. In June […]
You all may have seen this, it is a very old story, from January 26, 2005, but it is a wonderful story. Not because of the hook (and the way it was implemented!) but because of the pastor’s own redemption that occurred over his life. The Preacher Who Died With […]