This year has been a hard one for everyone and while we cannot meet in person, we will not miss our Annual Mack Brady Clinic! Even in this odd year, the Goalkeeper Union comes through to provide another clinic for aspiring keepers! It will be virtual, of course, but mark […]
3 posts
Over on I have started a history on the clinic created in memory of our son Mack. New Year’s Eve was the 6th anniversary of Mack’s death (his Jahrzeit) and Sunday will be the 7th Annual Memorial Mack Brady Soccer Clinic. From the very beginning the Penn State Men’s […]
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon for the 5th Annual Mack Brady Memorial Soccer Clinic. As always, tremendous thanks to Coach Bob Warming and the Penn State Men’s Soccer team! Feel free to share this image to promote the clinic! If you are in central PA we hope […]