I have a confession. Until recently, I had not read C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. I know, hard to believe, right? Especially for a kid from an evangelical background, but the truth is, I found the constant analogies annoying. I would get a chapter or two into it and my […]
Wendell Berry, Sabbath Poems, 1982. VII The clearing rests in song and shade. It is a creature made By old light held in soil and leaf, By human joy and grief, By human work, Fidelity of sight and stroke, By rain; by water on The parent stone. We join our work to Heaven’s gift, Our hope to what is […]
Tying your dress shoes in a double knot,Like an eight-year-old. Running off the bus and flopping on the couch after school, Like an eight year old. Putting together your LEGO early in the morning (and late at night),Like an eight-year-old. Sledding down the hill at the back of your friend’s house,Like […]
This is an entry in the “Acrostic Contemplations.” Jack Russell was a priest, yet most only now know of the dog breed that he developed. The Jack Russell Terrier is a short-haired, short-legged fox terrier with white body and red markings is well known for its energy and mischievous. There […]
This is an entry in the “Acrostic Contemplations.” Immortality is a long time. At some point in our lives, we all think about death, the end of this life, which is all we have known and, therefore, all we can comprehend. Death, we know because we have seen it, is […]
This past May we hosted the Honors Education in Research Universities at the University of Kentucky. As the host, I offered the following keynote address. May 21, 2024 “Grace, she takes the blameShe covers the shameRemoves the stain, it could be her nameGrace, it’s a name for a girlIt’s also […]
The following was the paper I presented at the International SBL meeting in Amsterdam this week. As it turned out, Almost half of the scholars in the room had written on one Targum text or another dealing it the Messiah! I do not intend to publish this as is, so […]
This was my final sermon I preached at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Versailles, KY after 18 months serving as their “Priest-in-Partnership.” You can hear (and see) it preached, rather than simply the text, on their YouTube channel. Proper 8 (13) (June 30, 2024) – Alternate First reading and Psalm: […]
My deepest apologies to everyone, especially Leeor. I had intended to post this quite literally years ago. Just before the outbreak of COVID and my (unrelated) tenure as interim Dean of Arts & Sciences, this product was announced and demonstrated. Dr. Leeor Gottleib of Bar-Ilan University has created the Equivalent […]